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  • Retiral Outsourcing

    Payroll & Retiral Funds 
    Administration & Management

Peace of mind for you. Allows you to focus on your core activities

You will not be distracted by technology selection, implementation and maintenance, attracting and retaining expertise and dedicated resources. You don’t need to keep track of regulatory changes and any potential conflict of interest. 

Demonstrated methodology to ensure seamless transition and sustainable delivery.

​Proven delivery expertise & experience to provide reliable and trusted services.


Robust technology platform for automation, control & visibility.

Domain knowledge in Trust Fund Management, Payroll, Accounting, Retirement Benefit

 & Finance and Taxation.

Why choose us?

We specialize in providing the best 

PF Trust Outsourcing services. Everything we do is aimed at creating the best results

Specialized solutions

We offer you these services using our proprietary  Provident Fund Trust Outsourcing solution.


Triple A can take charge of your Retirement Benefit Fund Administration & Management, offering a wide range of employee benefit services that allow you to select the areas that best suit your requirements. 

Our Retirement Trust Fund Outsourcing solution can be configured as per your choice to get the desired output.

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